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Welcome to sscmerchants!

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Annual fee for a Sovran Merchant eWallet Account?

The introductory price for an SSC Member Account is ($180 USD).  

This Membership fee is subject to change in the future. As the Sovran Network expands across North America, the (US dollar) is the baseline currency.   



Can I be both a Sovran Network Merchant as well as an SSC Member?

Yes, absolutely, as SSC Members, Sovran Network eWallet Merchants are able to access the Sovran Shopping Club Residual Rewards Program as well as participate in rewards from Sovran Shopping Club Tokens SSC. For a limited time the promotional offer to be a Member is an annual fee of ($180 USD).


As an SSC Member can I sponsor other SSC Members?

Absolutely, you can bring in other SSC Member Merchants if you become a Member yourself because you are the able to participate in the Club’s dynamic Referral program where you can earn significant rewards paid out in SVC. You can see these Reward benefits in our PDF here. You can also bring in your Customers as new SSC Members to participate in the rewards program which further benefits you.  

What Rewards do I receive for bringing in other SSC Members?

As an SSC Member, you receive ($25 USD) for each SSC Member you refer directly paid in Sovran Stablecoin SVC that will be deposited into your Sovran eWallet for signing up a new SSC Member for ($180 USD). See the promotion below:  


**Promotion Runs as a two consecutive month running bonus for current month and previous month.

💥1st Bonus - 1,000 SSC Tokens for each member who signs up 1 Merchant and 5 Members.
💥2nd Bonus - 10,000 SSC Tokens for each member who signs up 5 Merchants and 5 Members who each sign up 5 Members.
💥3rd Bonus - 25,000 SSC Tokens for signing up 5 Merchants, and 10 Members who each sign up 1 Merchant and 5 Members.
💥4th Bonus - 50,000 SSC Tokens for signing up 25 Members who each sign up 1 Merchant and 5 Members.

What is the difference between Sovran Stablecoin, SVC (Shopping Coins) and Sovran Shopping Club Tokens SSC (Club Tokens)?

Sovran Stablecoins SVC are the exclusive currency of the Sovran Network and defined as a Currency Stablecoin pegged 1:1 with the Swiss Franc, Powered by the Sovran Network. SVC is used to make everyday purchases with Sovran eWallet Merchants, purchase digital token assets, transfer value to other SSC Members of the Club, or to hold inside of your account for spending at a later date.

Conversely, Shopping Club Tokens SSC are a form of savings (asset) and is projected to increase in value over time as the Club grows with more active SSC Members. SSC Token metrics can be found inside of the Residual Rewards Plan Here.

How do I receive payment when a Member purchases something from me?

A Member will pay you in Sovran Stablecoin SVC via the Sovran QR Code or remotely using your Sovran user ID, email, or Phone number.  

When the SSC Member Merchants purchase with other SSC Member Merchants, SVC coins are automatically transferred from one Sovran eWallet to another and their balance can be viewed inside of your eWallet and SSC Member Back Office. 


When initial payment is made to my Sovran eWallet in (US dollars), how does the conversion work?

Sovran Network takes your funds (dollars) and converts them into Sovran Network Stablecoins SVC where the funds (dollars) are held in SVC, pegged 1:1 (CHF) and transferred instantly to your personal Sovran eWallet account. This process works automatically behind the scenes so you never have to worry. 

What is and how do I receive a Sovran QR Code?

A QR Code (Quick Reader) is a type of barcode unique to every Member Merchant that allows them to send and receive their Sovran Stablecoin currency SVC and Club Tokens SSC between each other instantly. Every Member Merchant receives their own unique QR Code upon signing up and paying their annual SSC Membership fee. 

What is a Member back office?

A back office is your own personal Member account where you can view your available Sovran Digital Currency SVC balance, add or change information, access sales records, determine cost of doing business and offer promotions to your Customers. You can also build your own brand identity page. 

How do we access our back office?

Once you are registered as a Member, an SSC Membership username and password will be generated for you.


How can I register as a Member?

To become a Member and access the full Member package of the Sovran Shopping Club, please use the referral link or signup page provided by your SSC Member Sponsor or visit www.sovranshoppingclub.com, fill out our Contact Form, and a Club Sponsor will get in touch with you. 

How secure is the Shopping Club?

When it comes to your sensitive data, the Sovran Shopping Club licenses its technology from the Sovran Network. Sovran enables an advanced hybrid encryption technology within its network, allowing for some of the highest standards in security and privacy. You have to be a Member to access this information as it is a closed-loop private network economy.

When can I spend funds from my Sovran Network eWallet?

Immediately! You can transfer or spend up to the maximum level of SVC your eWallet has with any Member using their Sovran QR code, email or phone number. 

Can I transfer Sovran Digital Currency SVC or Shopping Club Tokens SSC to my bank or credit union?

No, the Sovran Network is a separate system from your bank or credit union and therefore your financial institution does not recognize Shopping Coin Currency. 

In order to send Sovran Shopping Coins SVC to your traditional banking provider, you must first liquidate the preferred amount of Shopping Coins into (USD) and then withdraw them from the Sovran Network. 
This is done by sending an email to withdrawal@sovnet.io to facilitate this process. Funds can then be wired to your appropriate banking institution. Depending on the size of the transaction, funds may be wired via (SWIFT or EFT via INTERAC etransfer). As for Shopping Club Tokens SSC, these tokens must be exchanged first into Sovran Digital Currency SVC inside of the Sovran Network. Once completed, your SVC can be then sold into traditional currency (USD) and then be transferred out of the Sovran Network to your financial institution. 

Can I still accept payments from my traditional payment service provider?

Yes of course. It’s all up to you, and you can decide how much or little you want to use the Sovran Network. We know that the more you save, the more you will continue to use us.


Is there a processing fee for doing business with the Shopping Club?

No, Sovran does not charge you for processing transactions and there are also no chargebacks. This is always standard when conducting transactions inside the Sovran Network using Sovran patented QR code technology for transfers and spending.

Why are my fees so low?

The fees are favorable because you send and receive your transactions inside of the Sovran Network. Sovran controls this system and does not add costly fees unlike other service providers.

Are there any fees when I deposit my funds into the Sovran Network?

No, we do not charge you any fees for this. However, there may fees that are applied by your financial institution that Sovran has no control over.


What happens to my cash when I move it into the Sovran Network?

Your cash is converted into Sovran Stablecoin SVC and held in reserve. This reserve is used to collateralize Sovran Stablecoin SVC, hence the term ‘cash-backed’. This process is instant as soon as the funds are verified from your bank. Once you have SVC Stablecoin in your eWallet, you can instantly and easily transfer and purchase goods and services with it.  

Are there any fees when I withdraw my SVC funds out from the Sovran Network and back into my traditional custodial bank?

Yes there will be a fee of ($50 - $100 for all ACH/SWIFT) transfers from SVC funds that are cashed out from and withdrawn from the Sovran Network. For (Interac etransfer) transactions there is fee of ($30 USD).


Delivery & Shipping

Please let SSC Members know what your expected delivery day(s) will be for the town or city you live in. If shipping via a carrier, please include the name of the shipper, what day you send out parcels to be delivered along with an expected delivery date. 

Does the Shopping Club handle Delivery & Shipping services?

No, delivery and shipping are handled by you the Merchant. 

Are there Merchant Chargebacks?

No, Sovran does not allow chargebacks on the network. All transactions on the network between buyer and seller are final. Sovran eWallet Merchants may offer their Customers a store credit. This arrangement would be handled exclusively between the Merchant and Customer. 

Return Policy for Products Purchased by a Member

Any SSC Member products or services to be returned must be taken up with the Merchant. The Sovran Network has no control over this. We expect that everything will be settled between Merchant and Member amicably. 

What happens if a Merchant is dishonest or abusive with their business while using the Merchant services of the Sovran Network?

The Merchant will be given ample opportunity to correct any and all potential abuses toward their customers. Recurring offenses and/or customer violations may result in the Sovran Network suspending or terminating a Sovran Merchant’s account status.

Is there a Rating System so I can provide feedback on the Merchants I shop with?

Yes, you can rate any Merchant up to 5 stars and also leave a comment for other Members to review. 

As a Sovran Merchant, do I need to purchase Paymentech equipment such as card readers or specific software?

You may purchase a standalone QR code reader from the Sovran Network to receive your Merchant transactions but it’s not required. Sovran provides everything for you to process Merchant transactions. You can use your own mobile device or tablet. All you need is to subscribe to the annual fee receive a Sovran Non-Bank Current Account (NBCA) eWallet.


Can we still be a SSC Member Merchant if we have an existing eCommerce website?

Certainly, we have our Wordpress widget available to use inside of your Sovran Web Account Back Office found under ‘Merchant Widget’ inside your Sovran Network eWallet. 



Print out and keep for future reference. Be sure to study in detail all the information provided here. If you still have further questions, please visit and fill out our contact form at www.sscmerchants.sovnet.io